Sunday 10 October 2010

Song review

 The unsigned band 'A love like PI' have realeased a song called 'innocent man' witch in my opinion is not worth being listened to twice if you are a fan of the indee world. The song opens with what people I Ireland would call a gulder. That is someone shouting, and this continues for most of the song apart form the random dynamic plummet witch is totally unexpected and serves as a device that confirms that you are being shouted at for the rest of the song. I have never herd an indee song before that contains so much techno and shouting, it sounds something like fatboyslim meets billy talent. Techno has never been designed to be long winded so 'A Love Like PI' can't even claim its part from that genera of music. Whats with that unexpected change of key? and just for four bars. its sounds ridiculous! i suppose this does match the lyrics. "underneath her skirt i see the nations pain"... excuse me? not only is that an unpleasant image im sure it is illegal in many countries. if you enjoy listening to a guys screaming at you through his noes, funky lyrics and random melodies then this is a song for you. or you could simply through a bucket of nails onto a jet engine. you can decide witch one is more fun. personally i would go for the second.


LA Worrell said...

HAHA- want to hear it now!

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